Tuesday 30 October 2007

Whats going on.

Over the past few weeks i have been mainly concentrating on the mural brief.

On Wednesday last we held a workshop with some troubled kids on flags. It didn't go as well as hoped, as they had a very short attention span, and were quite disruptive. We hope to hold at least 2 more workshops before finalising ideas for the mural.

This is the initial proposal that we have submitted. Th coloured strips represent the colours from the flags created in the workshops. The frequency of the coloured stripes relates to the percentage each colour is used in the design of the flags.

With the website I haven't got very far, i have decided on a basic layout, and that I will need to create some kind of downloadable flash show reel to exhibit my flash skills. This can also be sent out on CD, adapting it to show off more of my work.

Friday 5 October 2007

Professional Project


Community Mural – Pocket Park, Woodland Mount

A live brief sponsored by The Co-op to do a mural on a wall overlooking the pocket park at Woodland Mount off Spencer Place in Chapeltown. The Mural should have the theme of ‘co-operation’. It will involve working with a group of school children to develop the mural.

Research Proposal

- Different types of mural, including what a mural can be.
- Different types of street and community art.
- How to construct workshops to get the most out of the school children.
- Look back over research from the Sorrel Project, and other research available.
- The history of the surrounding area.


A piece of work that will inspire and the local community.

Target Audience

The immediate local residents.

Tone of Voice


Mandatory Requirements

Theme of co-operation, budget of £3000.


How it will fit into the surroundings, how people might interact and engage with it, whether it should be the typical mural, or something a bit different, maybe even typographical.

In the tutorial we discussed how it is hard to have a non-patronising tone of voice, and that there may not be a tone of voice until after the workshops have taken place. Also, David suggested I think about how a mural might be related to graffiti and what other ways there might be of doing this rather than just painting. I also realised I had no real idea of why the project was chosen, and had just taken the brief without thinking about it, as well as finding this out, I need to form my own opinion of the project.

Communication Development


Prepare for travel RTW including a book and digital portfolio/C.V.

The trip will last for one year starting in August 2008 lasting 12 months taking in China, South Korea, Japan, South Asia, Australia, New Zealand and South and Central America. There will be a 3 month stop in Australia where I hope to find work/sponsorship to aid a migration application after the trip has finished. The book will be multi-purpose, acting as a journal, diary, and itinerary planner, as well as having other uses.

Research Proposal

- Online portfolios
- World Travelling
- Online message boards about global travel and backpacking.
- Bookbinding methods
- Design agencies in Australia
- Languages that will be encountered.


Promote myself as an employable candidate and get the most out of travelling.

Target Audience

Potential employers/myself

Tone of Voice

Informative, exciting, useable.

Mandatory Requirements

Anything that will be taken on travels needs to be lightweight, but hard-wearing.


How best to promote myself, what format the different elements should take.

From the tutorial, we discussed finding out what it means to apply for jobs in Australia and how it might be different to applying in the UK. From initial research, it seems as though there are a lot more design jobs available than in the UK, so it may be a case of choosing the job I want, rather than applying for anything vaguely related to my area of interest just to get into the industry. Plans are to just start designing the website/online cv straight away, and testing it before I leave by using moodle and possibly applying for jobs here or over the internet. It was also thought to be a good idea to start compiling references now that can be included on the site.

1st Week

Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to do much work on my projects this week as I have been doing a live brief for Leeds Irish Health and Homes. That took up most of my time Monday - Thursday, although I have done some research and prepared my portfolio for my tutorial with Jane.

My tutorial with David was helpful, after discussing the briefs I was given plenty to do before next week.

Wednesday 26 September 2007

First Post

This will be my blog for Vis Com year 3, i will try and update it at least weekly with details of the work I have been doing.